Isabgol Health Benefits__Isabgol Use For Weight Loss And Stomach In Urdu

In India, isabgol or psyllium husk is found in almost every household as it is an effective home remedy for treating and relieving common gastro-intestinal troubles. However, its health benefits are not just limited to digestive health. Among the numerous benefits that it offers, here are top 8 of them that will compel you to include this husk in your diet.

1# It relieves constipation: Isabgol is rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre, which makes it a great remedy for constipation. It expands in the stomach on consumption and helps push its contents out of the body. Being hygroscopic in nature, it absorbs water from the digestive tract, improves consistency of stools, thereby relieving constipation. Want some more home remedies to treat constipation? Read about how lemon juice relieves constipation.